
I’m Heather Shields, an experienced occupational therapist, driving instructor and certified driving rehab specialist.

I have helped hundreds of people regain their ability to drive following an acute or chronic medical event, such as a stroke, traumatic brain injury, concussion, spinal cord injury, leg amputation, peripheral neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, dementia, and students with special needs to ensure they have the skills required to take driver’s ed.

I work with clients, their family and the healthcare team(physicians, therapists, case managers, social workers) to determine when someone is ready to return to driving.

When the client is ready, I help them to regain their independence.

Heather Shields has been an Occupational Therapist since 1997 and recently became the only Certified Driving Rehabilitation Specialist in Maine.  She provides the only door to door driving rehabilitation service in Maine.  She specializes in working with people with all medical conditions, seniors and young adults with special needs.

Heather’s focus is to help people remain driving safely for as long as possible.

Some people require adaptive equipment.  Others need different vehicles.  Most need to refine their driving skills and habits.

Heather works closely with physicians, therapists, clients, family members and with local vendors, such as Mobility Works(formerly Ride Away) in Gray, Advanced Modifications in Scarborough/Hermon and Autotronics in Bangor.  We all work together as a team to keep you safe on the road.

Heather is experienced in knowing when it is safe to continue driving and when it is time to explore driving retirement.  If retiring from driving is the safest option, then Heather will explore your community to find transportation alternatives and is willing to practice learning how to use them.

• Heather’s newest car is a Lexus SUV, which is much more spacious.
• People love driving this car! It accommodates all types of people.
• It is easy for people in wheelchairs to transfer into the driver’s seat.

Click here to learn more about Heather’s education and clinical experience.